

Single Ticket

Gain access to the ¡Provecho! event, where you will experience a vibrant culinary showcase set in the picturesque grounds of the University of Texas San Antonio Southwest Campus.




Grand Gourmet Sponsor (493 remaining)

Premier Branding: Top-tier branding in all event publicity, including press releases branded as “Proudly served by [Your Name Here].”

Prominent Visibility: Premier logo placement on all promotional items, event signage, website, and invitations.

Speaking Opportunity: Exclusive chance to deliver a keynote address at the event.

VIP Experience: Two VIP tables, each with 10 seats, in a prime location.

Exclusive Access: Behind-the-scenes culinary tour with chefs and students.

Video Recognition: Prominent display of your logo during event-related videos.

Press and Social Media: Special recognition in all event-related press articles and social media posts.

Renewal Preference: First option to renew sponsorship for the next edition of ¡Provecho!.


Encore Entertainment Sponsor (493 remaining)

Targeted Branding: Prominent logo placement on event website and venue, specifically as the sponsor of all live entertainment.

Speaking Opportunity: Opportunity to introduce a live performance.

VIP Experience: One VIP table with 10 seats, providing premium seating near the stage.

Exclusive Access: Option to include promotional materials in guest gift bags.

Video Recognition: Logo featured during multimedia presentations that spotlight the entertainment segments.

Press and Social Media: Recognition in pre-event and post-event communications.

Renewal Preference: Opportunity to renew sponsorship for the next edition of ¡Provecho!.


Culinary Showcase Sponsor - $10,000

Comprehensive Branding: Prominent logo placement at all food stations around the venue, associating your brand with every culinary experience offered.

Speaking Opportunity: Recognition during the event as the key sponsor of all food stations.

Preferred Seating: One preferred table with 10 seats strategically located for an optimal tasting experience near the stations.

Exclusive Access: Opportunity for interaction with guests at each station, enhancing brand visibility.

Press and Social Media: Promotion through event-related social media channels and inclusion in all marketing materials highlighting your comprehensive support of the gastronomy at ¡Provecho!.


Menu Sponsor

Exclusive Branding: Sponsorship recognition on the event menu and program guide.

Speaking Opportunity: Mention in the event program as the curator of the detailed menu.

Reserved Seating: 10 tickets to the event with specially reserved seating.

Press and Social Media: Logo displayed during the event and on the event’s online presence.


Awards Spotlight Sponsor

Ceremony Highlight: Recognition as the sponsor of the awards ceremony, prominently featuring your logo.

Reserved Sealing: 10 tickets to the event, providing access to reserved seating during the awards ceremony.

Press and Social Media: Logo on the event website and in the event program, specifically noted under the awards section.


Single Food Station Sponsor

Station Branding: Logo prominently displayed at your sponsored food station.

Reserved Seating: 10 tickets to the event, with reserved seating near the sponsored station.

Press and Social Media: Recognition in the event program as the sponsor of a specific food station.


Table Sponsor

Table Recognition: Reserved table for 10 guests, with sponsor's name and logo on table signage.

Reserved Seating: Mention during the event acknowledgments as a Table Sponsor.

Press and Social Media: Recognition in the event program.

Total: $0.00


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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